On Friday, April 3rd, Acoustic DNA will be performing from 6 - 8 pm.
On Friday, April 10th, Randell and Friends will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm. Could be their maiden voyage at the Cafe...grab an oar and help them come ashore.
On Friday, April 17, RockZonE will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm. Falling rock is actually a lot safer than a balloon falling on you.
On Tuesday, April 21st, Todd Tijerina will be performing his unique blend of blues, funk, roots-rock and jazz from
6 - 8 pm.
On Friday April 24th, 6 to 8 pm. Claystone, the musical duo of Kent Gurle and Doug Davidson, will be performing their acoustical harmonies.