Let's get past the whole April Fools thing and start enjoying the sunny days ahead. Whether you start your day at the Cafe for a hearty breakfast, take a tasty food break for lunch, or do a serious chow down for dinner, there is only one Placitas Cafe in all of Placitas. Come on down!
On Friday, April 3rd, Acoustic DNA will be performing from 6 - 8 pm.
On Friday, April 10th, Randell and Friends will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm. Could be their maiden voyage at the Cafe...grab an oar and help them come ashore.
On Friday, April 17, RockZonE will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm. Falling rock is actually a lot safer than a balloon falling on you.
On Tuesday, April 21st, Todd Tijerina will be performing his unique blend of blues, funk, roots-rock and jazz from
6 - 8 pm.
On Friday April 24th, 6 to 8 pm. Claystone, the musical duo of Kent Gurle and Doug Davidson, will be performing their acoustical harmonies.
You call that a snow storm? It was gone almost before it got here! Anyhoooh, the weather's tune is changing. You'll see, all sun, all the time.
On Tuesday, March 3rd, Don's Solo will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm. Not so low you can't hear him.
On Friday, March 6th, Judy and Jorge will be performing from 6 - 8 pm.
On Friday, March 13th, Righteous Men will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm. It's your luck day! No bibles necessary but bring your tapping toes on down.
On Friday March 20th, 6 to 8 pm. Claystone, the musical duo of Kent Gurle and Doug Davidson, will be performing their acoustical harmonies.
On Friday, March 27th, the Olde & In The Way will be at the Cafe from 6 - 8 pm.
They play familiar songs from the 6os-70s-and 80s from lots of genres.
They don't look that old but look again -- they are blocking the damn door!