Summer is a great time to visit the Cafe and grab one of those outdoor tables (dogs welcome, by the way). Enjoy some fine food and libations while you take in the fantastic view of the Sandias. With the great music wafting out the door, you even get a great soundtrack to go with the great view.
Friday June 6th, Haiku Cowboys will be performing from 6 to 8 pm. Their sound could be pure poetry if it didn't have to rhyme and be only 3 lines.
On Tuesday, June 10th, John Bullock and John Davis will play all your favorite tunes for your listening pleasure. Catch them from 6 - 8 pm.
On Friday June 13th, 6 to 8 pm. Claystone, the musical duo of Kent Gurle and Doug Davidson, will be performing their acoustical harmonies.
Nancy Drew will be singing up a summer storm on Friday June 20th from 6 to 8 pm. I'd like to say she will be backed up by the Hardy Boys band but that would be a lie. Funny, but a lie just the same.
Bohemian Sol likes the summer heat because it makes for some ultra hot tunes. Catch their distinctive sound at the Cafe on Friday June 30th, from 6 to 8 pm.